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If the dress changed to purple, the color had to be changed. “Every time a starlet was wearing a red dress, he had to put red nail polish on her.


“In the movie industry at that time, they matched nail colors to dresses,” Pink recently recounts. One film director did, indeed, have a nail dilemma. Concerned about a lack of foot traffic and in search of sales, Pink started calling everyone he could think of within a 25-mile or so radius-Hollywood studios, nail technicians and hair salons were at the top of his list-to ask them how he could satisfy their beauty needs. and the previous year had created a nail brand called Orly. The United States celebrated its 200th anniversary Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak formed the Apple Computer Company and Nadia Comaneci flipped her way to three gold medals at the Summer Olympics in Montreal.īeauty history was also made that year by Jeff Pink, who owned a small beauty supply store in Tarzana, Calif. Therefore, the major theological ideas in the NT gain their fullest meaning within the framework of this overriding plotline thrust of the new creation and kingdom and are but facets of it.The year was 1976. Greg Beale, A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2011), 23: This is the central theme of the Christian gospel.… It was God, not any human king, who ruled over all. When the first Christians proclaimed this gospel of the kingdom, they were not copying the “gospel” of the Roman kingdom they were exposing it as a fraud. John Dickson, The Best Kept Secret of Christian Mission: Promoting the Gospel with More Than Our Lips (HarperCollins, 2010), 114:Īt the heart of the gospel message (in the Old and New Testaments) is the idea of God’s rule as king, in other words, his kingdom. Care to join me? Next week we’ll begin reading the Bible narrative this way. I went back to the beginning, to read Genesis as the story of the kingdom of God. I realized I needed to start all over again and read the Scriptures as the revelation of the most amazing ruler the earth has ever known. The central story is God’s reign, how he brings his rebellious earthly realm back under his authority. Our planet, our life, and our future all reside in him.Īs I realized that this is the single plotline of the entire narrative of Scripture, I felt as if I had missed the main story of the Bible all my life. Our heavenly king sent his own son not to quash the rebellion but to bring his recalcitrant realm back under his Father’s management. He is addressing the rebellion, the abuse of power that should reside with God. No wonder Jesus thought the kingdom of God was the core of everything! Everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen on God’s watch is the story of his reign. Yes, that’s right: the entire Biblical narrative is the plotline of the kingdom of God, the reign of our heavenly sovereign. Ultimately every knee will bow to his kingship every tongue will acknowledge his authority. He is Lord-master over everyone and everything. The whole story comes into sharp focus in the person of Jesus, the son of David who was killed by the rebellious powers, and yet shown to be God’s anointed ruler (Christ) by his resurrection.

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It involves people like King David who reigned on behalf of the heavenly king, and King Josiah who was killed by earthly powers. It’s a long story-the length of the entire Biblical narrative. The way our heavenly ruler reasserted his authority over his rebellious realm reveals the amazing character of our sovereign-so radically different from the way human rulers abuse their power and oppress people. That’s just the opening chapters of the story of God’s reign and human resistance. The result was a tragic spiral into unsustainable violence and anarchy. People took power over the lives of others: that’s what Cain did with Abel. That rebellion introduced conflict and struggle into his earthly realm. There was a rebellion against his authority to rule earth when humans grasped the power to decide good and evil rather than submit to his edict. It all began when the heavenly sovereign created two realms: the realm where he lives (heaven) and the realm where we live (earth). It was the story they were living in-their whole story! And there it was! The reason Jesus never defined the kingdom of God for his hearers was that it was perfectly obvious to them. I’d waded slowly and carefully through the Second Temple literature ( Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Dead Sea Scrolls, and Josephus) so as to see with their eyes, to gain their worldview.

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